Category Archives: child related


*sounds like a band night at a Newcastle pub, but isn’t

I came across this on Facebook, basically, you decorate a rock, write the name of the Facebook group on the back, with a message to ‘keep me or hide me again’. 

I like painting stuff. I’m not very good at though! However, a cheap bag of pebbles and some spray lacquer and the Clan were off!

(One of our creations!)

We started of in a local park, progressed to the caravan park we’re staying in and the local tourist centre garden area.

The kids love it and it’s been nice seeing pictures in the Facebook group of happy people who found our rocks. And even Daddy got involved with it (and he HATES crafts!)

Crochet roundup….

I love love love this Unicorn pattern from hobbycraft (also one of my favourite shops) I will definitely be keeping and eye on their website for future patterns!

I also used the unicorn head to make Baba a ‘lovey’, I skipped the mane though, as she’d eat it!

And moving on from the Amish puzzle ball we tried, we moved into the Flower ball version, which is pretty too, and baba likes it!

I also did a little needle felting… For a unicorn fan (excuse the mess on this one! I’d been shopping)

Crochet Creations – pattern roundup

There’s been a bit of crochet being done, I think I’ve just about mastered the art of crocheting whilst balancing sleepy baby!

Booties pattern from repeatcrafterme

Pink pussycat hat – no pattern

Octopus for premie pattern from my nomad home

Sleepy dolly pattern is sleepyhead

And none baby related, we’ve had some slugterra inspired slugs appearing (sorry, no pattern). Here are a couple: